Friday, August 26, 2011

Samsung's IFA app unveils Galaxy Tab 7.7, Wave 3 and Galaxy Note

By Joseph Volpe posted Aug 25th 2011 4:12PM We're about a week away from this year's IFA, but that's no reason for the tech teases to dry up. According to a report on This Is My Next, a bevy of product logos from Sammy's Android trade show app were unearthed by a tipster searching for clues in the APK. Among the soon-to-be unveiled products are the new Galaxy Tab 7.7, Wave 3 and Galaxy Note. While we've haven't heard much about the Note, we aren't really surprised to see a 7.7-inch (we assume) iteration of the OEM's popular Honeycomb tablet and an update to its Bada OS-running Wave smartphone line. Not to worry folks, you won't have to live with the suspense for long -- we'll be reporting live from Berlin before you know it.

View the original article here

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