Wednesday, August 24, 2011

China inches ahead of US in PC sales for the first time

By Donald Melanson posted Aug 23rd 2011 6:12PM We may be living in a "post PC" world according to some, but PCs are unquestionably still big business, and they're now a bigger business in China than anywhere else. That's according to the latest report from market research firm IDC, at least, which found that both PC sales and shipments in China inched ahead of those in the US for the second quarter -- the first time that's ever happened, and earlier than IDC had previously projected. In terms of hard numbers, that translates to sales of $11.9 billion in China (compared to $11.7 billion in the US), and shipments of 18.5 million units, which represents a 14.3 percent jump year-over-year (as opposed to a 4.9 percent drop to 17.7 million units in the US). Not surprisingly, Lenovo is the big winner in all of this -- it's both the top PC maker in China and the fastest growing one, with a market share just shy of 32 percent. web coverage

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